CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Contact Us
Though CNH Tours is most easily contacted by email, we like to have the chance to actually speak with you. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a skype or phone call. We are based in Ottawa. Time here is GMT -5. This is the same time zone as New York City and Toronto. We are 3 hours ahead of California and British Columbia. We've received (and will continue to take) calls at 2 or 3 AM in the past, but we're sure you understand that we prefer them between regular office hours.
Call (cell phone):
+1 (613) 298-4774 (mobile)
+1 (613) 612-6269 (mobile)
14 Kilbarry Crescent,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1K 0G8, Canada
Travel Industry Council of Ontario Registrant #50022618
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Active Galapagos trips starting in 2024 only
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Hi Heather: Thank you for organizing such a wonderful trip! In our credit card society, I was apprehensive about the cash policy, but once there, the trip couldn't have been better! Juan was such an excellent guide and we saw so much! At the Quito airport, I met a lady that had been working at the Darwin center. She asked what we saw on the Samba. She said she had never heard of a tour that saw everything we did. She had even worked on a National Geographic tour! Antonio, the guide you arranged for us in Quito, was very knowledgeable and an excellent host! The trip was perfect!
Thanks again,
Feb 2016 Active Galapagos on the Samba