Inter-island ferry runs out of gas, passengers stranded


July 12th, 2011

According to the Ecuadorian Coast Guard rescued a yacht, Y/P Albany with 24 tourists aboard, including 4 children, last  week (July 8th), between tow ilsands in the Galapagos. The National Maritime Authorities announced that foreigners from the United States, France, Germany, and citizens of Ecuador were passengers of the yacht. Officials say the yacht ran out of fuel 8 nautical miles off land and was drifting in the ocean. All passengers were uninjured and brought to Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz in the Galapagos. The Coast Guard says that the owner of the yacht miscalculated the amount of fuel necessary for its travel and that fuel was provided to the yacht at the time of rescue. Also, the Coast Guard adds that the yacht was over capacity in terms of the number of passengers.  It reports also that the owner of the boat will be fined.


CNH Tours adds:

This is one of those ferries that transports people between islands.   Clearly, more can be done to ensure that maximum capacity is respected.   We recommend you email the Galapagos Chamber of Tourism to ask that they pressure the authorities to ensure this does not happen again.  You can reach them here:


Albany Ferry
