
CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Friday August 26, 2011
Park nabs commercial shark poachers
(story adapted from Sea Shepherd Society news item)
One of the biggest shark poaching arrests in the history of the Galapagos National Park recently took place. The national park rangers and an Ecuadorian naval ship apprehended the industrial longline fishing vessel from Manta, Ecuador and 30 or so fishermen. At the time of capture, the vessel was fishing 20 nautical miles within the designated area of the Galapagos Marine Reserve, southeast of Genovesa Island.
Upon inspection by the park service, it became clear that the vessel was using longlines to commercially fish for sharks, all of which are illegal in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Furthermore, it turned out that this vessel had been involved in a mass slaughter of sharks. The vessel's holds were filled with sharks, 357 in total. The confirmed death list included: 286 thresher sharks, 22 blue sharks, 40 Galapagos sharks, 6 hammerhead sharks; 2 tiger sharks, and 1 mako shark.
The Galapagos National Park Service has started an administrative process against the vessel, its owner, and crew. Simultaneously, the new environmental prosecutor for Galapagos has started a penal procedure in order to get maximum penalties for the people involved in this serious environmental crime.
Sea Shepherd Galapagos will monitor this case closely when it goes to court. The impact on the fragile Galapagos ecosystem is devastating and a message needs to be sent that such highly illegal activities will also come with severe consequences.
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) Sea Shepherd Galapagos is implementing will further improve vessel monitoring capabilities for the park service, making illegal fishing ever more difficult inside the protected waters of the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
Sea Shepherd has been working in close cooperation with the Galapagos National Park since the year 2000, and the Ecuadorian National Police since 2007.
CNH Tours has had the privilege of sharing dinner with Paul Watson, the founder of the Sea Shepher Society, when he was in Galapagos a few years ago. He's quite a character!