CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Sunday December 21, 2014
New road to Quito airport - FINALLY!
Though the new Quito airport was opened in early 2013, road access had been delayed, leading to at times very long trips to and from the city - stretching to over an hour. The 12 km distance between the airport and the city was traversed via a roundabout, 42 km journey, a tortuous trip down mountain slopes, through traffic snarled by shopping and strip malls in Cumbayá and Tumbaco, and, worst of all across an aging bridge built in the 1970s that created an eye of a needle over the narrow Chiche river.
Now, travel times have declined dramatically as the new route reduces the distance to the airport by a third and promises to be far less congested than the previous roads. Driving at the legal 90km/hour limit, the new road can be driven in about seven minutes, compared with what could take a frustrating 45 minutes. The total ground travel time from downtown will be slashed to around 25 minutes from 77, according to optimistic estimates from city hall.
This is wonderful news for all travelers to the Galapagos islands transiting through Quito - even those simply considering an overnight there. It puts Quito again on a competitive basis with Guayaquil in terms of hosting overnight visitors. CNH Tours has used Quito as its continental base for years, but had been advising transiting guests not considering any continental stays to pass though Guayaquil since the new Quito airport was opened. Quito is a much prettier city, and more enjoyable to visit than coastal Guayaquil.
(thanks to Analytica Investments for much of the material in this news item)