CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Monday April 13, 2015
Head of provincial tourism is new Park Director
Well, it looks as though the park directorship has once again reverted to being a political appointment post, and not a civil service job for which people have to compete to get, against a clear set of technical requirements and experience, and training. This risks taking us back to the disastrous revolving door directorship days of 10 years ago. Let's hope not.
The new director is Alejandra Ordoñez, former director of tourism for the province of Galapagos. This sends uncertain signals - does it mean the government wants to open these fragile islands to more tourism? Already, they are under heavy pressure (one that has mostly been resisted, thankfully) for golf courses (in a water poor environment), sky-diving, sports fishing, massive hotel development... The Galapagos National Park and Marine Reserve are notoriously challenging to manage - about the same size as Greece, 100 islands with industrial fishermen wanting to have access, tour operators wanting 500 passenger ships etc. etc...
CNH Tours has no reason to doubt that Alejandra is up to the task - we just hope that her appointment does not signal a caving in to pressures that may undermine what these islands are world famous for - their unique biodivesity, their other worldliness feeling, a place where a moderately trained eye can see graphic manifestations of biological evolution still happening today... and finally, a one of a kind place for a trip of a lifetime.
We wish Alejandra all the best - but we continue ask why this sudden change.