A new Indiana Jones movie in Galapagos?

... not likely - we don't want to be accused of rumour mongering....  but.... Harrison Ford was spotted in Galapagos yesterday, shopping for a nice Panama hat (ironically, Panama hats have always been made in.... Ecuador).  We certainly would like to boast of the fact that he booked through CNH Tours - but sadly, that was not the case.   Our most famous guest perhaps was the admiral of the British fleet in the Falklands war, Sir John Forster "Sandy" Woodward GBE KCB.  

While in the islands, we did bump into a couple of well known film personalities - Alan Alda (a bit aloof) and John Malkovich with his wife (very earnest), and spotted Susan Sarandon as well.  

Shopping for a Panama hat in Puerto Ayora


