
CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Tuesday February 27, 2018
Raining and pouring...
When people ask us about the Galapagos climate, we give the usual answer: "the cool and dry season starts around June/July and lasts until December while the hot and rainy season lasts from about January and goes on until April / May. During the rainy season, you'll see a lot more sun and blue sky, because the rain comes down only in occasional powerful tropical downpours - you should count yourself lucky if you witness one".
Well, the folks in Puerto Ayora, the main Galapagos town, were lucky last weekend. According to our good friend and resident scientist / project manager / mother, Noémi d'Ozouville " 43 mm (about 2 inches) of rain fell last Sunday (see her picture). Noémi explains that the rainy season had taken a while to kick in this year, with conditions being rather dry and cool until very recently - reflecting La Niña type conditions. Sunday's rainfall event seems to have put a stop to that!
Picture: Puerto Ayora about to get drenched - 26 February 2018. Credit: Noémi d'Ozouville