
CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Wednesday June 20, 2018
Welcome aboard Kelsey Bradley!
CNH Tours has been very busy - we're getting more and more "word of mouth" inquiries as the number of very happy former guests tell their friends and family about the wonderful service and the unforgettable experiences they've had. So much so that we've been obliged to take on our first full-time senior partner - Kelsey Bradley.
It wasn't easy to find the ideal person to join our team. We pride ourselves in providing "unmatched personalized service" - and part of that is ensuring that all the people working at CNH Tours have a profound and intimate knowledge of Galapagos. Unlike just about all other international agencies selling trips to the islands, all of CNH Tours front line staff have lived in the islands for several years and continue to maintain very close ties to the people there.
Kelsey joined us on 18 June after spending 8 years working in Galapagos, first as a volunteer at the San Cristobal hospital and then later for several years at the Charles Darwin Research Station (where she had the pleasure of helping the likes of Martha Stewart organize a visit). She spent her time there closely connected to both the CDRS and the local communities, having lived on both Santa Cruz and San Cristobal Islands. Through her most recent role at the CDRS she worked with various members of the tourism industry in the islands to further bridge the gap between tourism and conservation in Galapagos. This helped her develop a good knowledge of the various hotel and ship representatives we work with. This aspect of her work quickly became a passion and now working with CNH Tours she looks forward to continuing these efforts for the conservation of the magical place. Her love for the islands and for Ecuador as a whole is very clear within two seconds of meeting her and she’s keen to share this love with future travellers.
Kelsey also happens to be from Ottawa, CNH Tours' home base. She will be joining Heather taking your calls and emails to help you organize a trip of a lifetime.
Kelsey is an amateur photographer - here she is on the Islander off the coast of Floreana Island (top photo) and in one of her favourite spots - Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island (bottom photo). We'll be using some of her pictures on our website and new stories. (Photos here taken by young Ecuadorian photographer Liza Diaz Lalova).