CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Monday July 30, 2018
Drinking from the Giant Tortoise Pericardium?
Back in October 2017, Anthony Pearson, a cardiologist from St. Louis took the plunge and booked a trip for himself and his family on an August 2018 Active Galapagos trip on the Samba. It turns out that Anthony is an avid blogger, maintaining a rich blog site called "The Skeptical Cardiologist" (my father, a general practitioner, would certainly enjoy this blog).
In preparation for his trip, he started a blog on the upcoming adventure. To date, he's posted two articles - one entitled: "We are soon Bound for the Galapagos Islands in search of Darwin, the Giant Tortoise and Dangerous Ideas".
His second post, just out this week, is entitled: "Drinking from the Giant Tortoise Pericardium".
Clearly, Anthony has a gift for headlines! To follow his blog, click here.