CNH Tours - Cultural and Natural Heritage Tours Galapagos
Monday March 8, 2021
Dolores Cacuango: Celebrating International Women's Day in Ecuador
The Ecuadorian embassy in Canada sent us a note today, in which they highlight the achievements of Dolores Cacuango to celebrate international women's day. Here's the text of their message:
"Dolores Cacuagon (October 26, 1881 - April 23, 1971), also known as 'Mamá Doloreyuk' was born in a community of the northern Andes in Ecuador. She was a pionneer in terms of fighting for the rights of indigenous people and peasants in Ecuador. Cacuango stood out in the political arena and was one of the first activists of Ecuadorian feminism. She, with other indigenous leaders, founded in 1944 the Ecuadorian Federation of Indians, the first of its class in Ecuador. Also, she created the first bilingual school, Quichua - Spanish, in Ecuador."
For more information on the life of Dolores Cacuango, click here.