Worried about getting seasick on an expedition ship?

We ask our returning guests to fill out a questionnaire on their trip (almost all are on 12-20 passenger expedition ships). One of the questions is: "Please rate the extent to which motion sickness prevented you from enjoying the trip". 1 = not at all; 5 = I wanted to get off the ship ASAP!
We copy paste the results below.

We very regularly get people telling us they get seasick, expressing concerns - but based on the results, very few people were significantly bothered by it. Only once in 20+ years of helping people organize their Galapagos expedition cruise did we have a guest get off a ship due to motion sickness issues.
In our experience, typically, after a day at sea, almost everyone gets their sea legs and does fine. Of course, there are medicines / patches etc... just in case.
(FYI - the only time someone on our team has ever been seasick in Galapagos was on an inter-island ferry)