141 tonnes of CO2 offsets

In 2022, CNH Tours started purchasing carbon offsets to compensate for the emissions generated by our guests while travelling in Ecuador, Antarctica and southern Africa.   We tally up the emissions on a biannual basis. We just purchased 141 tonnes of offset for our guests that travelled in the last six months of 2022.  

For Galapagos, these cover the average emission generated by a domestic flight from mainland Ecuador to Galapagos, along with a 7 night cruise.  For Antarctica, they cover the emissions generated by an 8 day cruise, while for southern Africa, the cover the emissions from our 14 day trip there (domestic flights, ground vehicles).  

In 2019, the United Nations World Tourism Organization determined that about transport-related emissions from tourism account for about 5% of world emissions of CO2 (about 1.6 million tonnes).  

While the emissions generated by CNH Tours guests is comparatively minuscule, every bit counts.  We challenge other travel companies to do the same.  

To learn more about carbon offsets, see our handy explanatory note




Galapagos:  We are TripAdvisor's Destination Expert

Antarctica:  Our expert has worked for 25 seasons in the region

 Contact us for more information


